Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The grass is always greener on the other side

I'm beginning to think that I need a serious attitude adjustment.

I can't be happy, regardless of where I am. The last three places where I've lived, it seems like I keep telling myself that I'd rather be somewhere else because I'm unhappy in the current situation.

Yet again, I find myself unhappy with where I am, and I'm starting to notice a pattern that startles me. I thought I had the dream job, and I thought the location was a dream one too (close enough that I can visit my folks whenever I wanted to but not so close that I have to still live at home).

But now I find myself wishing for yet another change, and hoping for something else, somewhere else. It's left me wondering: Is my situation really bad, or am I just hating it again, much like I have hundreds of other situations before this one?

At NU, I went on and on and on about how much I disliked it there and how I couldn't wait to get out. I moved to Madrid and after a month, started bitching about how much I hated it there and how I couldn't wait to get back home and get a job as a reporter.

Now, I've got the reporting job at home I wanted, and suddenly I want to abandon ship and get a job somewhere else doing something else? Why can't I be happy? Why does everything always look better in retrospect? And when will I know if I should really change my situation because it's legitimately bad instead of me just being a pansy and wanting out?

Is this part of growing up, or is this something that will follow me throughout life?

meant to be unhappy for the rest of my life, mostly because I can never seem to

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