Tuesday, January 26, 2010

selling papers

I have heard many odd comments and many interesting things, but perhaps none as curious as one I heard today.

In talking about some rather negative stories I've written recently, someone asked me why the paper was publishing these "awful" stories about people. And then the person asked me if it was because we were "trying to sell more papers."

1. This scandal is not like Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski, people. It's a cover-up at the district level.

2. We've actually LOST subscribers because of the stories, not gained any.

3. It's education. Who is going to buy a paper because the district superintendent is on the cover?

But I digress. I shall continue to hold my head up high and take those daggers-of-death shooting out of people's eyes. You may not like what I'm writing, but I'm writing it anyway (if its worthwhile).

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