Monday, August 24, 2009

Where I reach rock bottom...

I have completely lost all sense of independence, and by extension, dignity. Today cemented that.

For the past few weeks, I've been using my sister's car to get around town and my job. For the past few weeks, I've noticed that the transmission has been acting a bit funny. Rather than risk getting left in the middle of I-25 (as I feared on my trip back from Leadville), I informed my father of the car's troubles. And as such, I was left car-less today as it undergoes repairs.

Now, getting dropped off at high school in the morning was kind of ironic, and I'll admit, a bit funny. I even joked about it with my sister as I was getting out of the car and she was helping me unload about 100 lbs worth of stuff. Work was relatively fine, except for the little assholes that think they have a reason to be angsty about life, despite living in an upper-middle class neighborhood with a really steady family life.

What was NOT funny was waiting after school to get picked up. Like the old days I detested, I sat and watched as hoards of children five, six and even seven years younger than I hopped happily into their cars and drove away to their happy existence. I, on the other hand, sat in my ugly navy and sky blue work shirt, with a huge black case containing my camera and my lunch box. I sat and waited for 20 minutes until my sister came to pick me up. Like my elementary, middle, and even high school years, I was one of the last kids to get picked up.


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