Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh baby, baby it's a wild world

Welcome to Marcy's Wild World, my new blog meant to keep those interested in my newest adventure, gaining employment in the US, in on the loop. Since I've left Madrid, I decided to keep my Madrilena blog as is, without continuing it. A new chapter in my life means a new blog, and that way I can go back in a few months' time when nostalgia hits and re-read passages. I've always loved doing that with my journals.

So what have I been up to since leaving Madrid? I've moved back to Denver and am living in my parents' house while I search for a job. I'm actually quite torn in my job search, as I would really like to continue on my with journalism career. But that industry looks darker and gloomier each passing day. So I'm applying to pretty much any job that can pay the bills for the moment. Nothing's bitten yet, but please keep your fingers crossed for me.

Additionally, I set up a blog with to showcase some of my journalistic work, and I must say wordpress blows the socks out of blogger! If you're really looking to do some amazing things (and set up your own mock website), wordpress is the way to go. But blogger is so user-friendly and much, much quicker to set up so I've come running back to Google. They're good to me anyway.

In the meantime, enjoy a video which I enjoy! The only T.V. I'm attached to is this show, So You Think You Can Dance. It's true, what friend Scott says, "Wednesdays are the new Fridays."

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